Our Story

Welcome to Kinu, where the art of silk crafting meets a passion for unparalleled quality.

Our story begins with a journey, not just across miles, but through experiences. As a wife and husband team, with expertise in beauty and marketing, we embarked on travels that opened our eyes to the diverse world of silk. It was during these journeys that we discovered a profound truth: not all silk is created equal. The best silk, we found, has an unmatched softness and quality that can only be experienced, not described.

Inspired by our adventures and driven by a shared love for this exquisite material, we founded Kinu. Our mission was clear: to bring the finest silk to our customers, silk that we had personally encountered and fallen in love with on our travels.

Our silk is crafted in China, the heartland of silk production and the starting point of the legendary Silk Route. This land, rich in history and craftsmanship, is where the story of silk began for a reason. It is here that we found the epitome of silk quality that we had been seeking.

Each Kinu product is meticulously designed in Madrid, blending contemporary style with timeless elegance. Our design philosophy is simple yet profound: to create products that embody the quality, luxury and beauty of the finest silk.

For us, Kinu is more than just a brand. It's a testament to our belief that the better the silk, the more profound its softness, and the greater its benefits. The practice of sleeping on silk dates back to the dawn of civilization, a testament to its unparalleled benefits. The heritage of silk stretches back millennia, with the earliest known silk fabrics dating back approximately 5,000 years, showcasing its long-standing value and tradition. We are committed to ensuring that every product we offer reflects this deep historical reverence and our belief in silk's unmatched qualities, bringing the wonders of high-quality silk into your home.

Join us in experiencing the delicate luxury of Kinu, born from a journey, crafted with care, and shared with passion.